Code of Conduct
Students of the Kathak Kendra must maintain the minimum attendance required to appear for examinations for both Elementary Courses in their respective academic session or they will be debarred from taking final examinations. In case of genuine contingencies, this may be relaxed upto by 5% under the discretion of the Director, Kathak Kendra. Students debarred may be allowed a one-time opportunity in their whole course from Kathak Kendra to get re-admitted in the same year of their course in the next academic session.
In case students are absent for more than 2 weeks, their name will be struck off from the rolls of Kathak Kendra and they will be allowed only one opportunity to get re-admission in the same year by depositing re-admission charges of ₹ 1000/-.
Kendra will publish a quarterly attendance notice of all students who are falling below the minimum required attendance during the current academic session. In case attendance is falling very low, a letter will be sent to the Student’s parents via email and post.
Yearly medical check-up may be conducted for the students of the Kendra. Two weeks of medical leave may be granted to students in an academic year. Students must get a medical certificate from Kendra’s empanelled medical institute or Government hospital.
For Advance Courses, students will not be allowed to take any other full time courses either Academic or Cultural. They may be allowed to take a correspondence course. However, students must prioritise the exams of the Kendra in case of clashes of Exam day and date with their other courses.
Regarding performance in any outside institute / event, prior permission must be taken from the Director, Kathak Kendra, failing to which disciplinary action would be imposed on the student(s). These performances can only be granted permission if the student has attended more than 75% of the classes for the Session.
All students are required to put their attendance on Bio-Metric Machine , failing which their attendance would be marked as ABSENT.
Students undergoing their training at the Kendra are not permitted to undertake short or long term employment outside the Kendra. This includes participation in group performances, choreographies and other paid activities led by organizations and individuals from other than the Kendra. The student may participate in any activity led by their respective Guru, which the Guru may consider useful for his or her training, with prior approval of the Director, Kathak Kendra while clearly stating the students as the that of the Kendra in public. All students are expected to participate in all events of the Kendra.
Use of mobile phone like calling, texting or surfing internet is strictly prohibited during class hours. No students should be indulged in recording of any kind either video or audio during conduct of classes, official meetings, workshops, events and others and misuse the recorded content by defaming the Institute and its staff/Guru while circulating the content through social media, WhatsApp and other similar publicity areas.
Students must conduct themselves properly in accordance with the rules that govern manners and appearance. Students found in defaming the Institute through social media posts, public platforms, spreading false acquisitions against the Institute and its staff, involved in vulgar executions/adultery, gathering individuals/groups to strike, not abiding by the code of conduct and discipline set by the Institution, failing to maintaining proper decorum and other such similar activities may result into disciplinary action, including SUSPENSION and later EXPULSION from the Kendra.
Students are not allowed to meet their parents, guardians, relatives or other visitors during their class hours, rehearsals, lectures except in any immediate required emergencies only under proper intimation at the office.
Students found responsible for damaging any musical instruments, class room utilities or property of the institution would be charged to recover the same at the current market price.
In case of availing duplicate Marksheet/Diploma Certificate due to loss/damaged/theft:
FIR may be lodged on-line and copy of the same may be produced.
He/She should deposit Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) for issue of duplicate copy of certificate (all courses)
He/She should deposit Rs.500/-(Rupees Five Hundred only) for issue of duplicate copy of Marksheet (all courses)
Candidates should follow the proper procedure in case certificate are required to be issued with changed name.
It will be one time exercise and beyond this no duplicate certificate will be issued.
Students should not wear expensive jewellery or carry large amounts of cash. They will be solely responsible for the safety of their belongings. For lost/misplace of any personal belongings they may request the office through proper channel for checking the same.
Students must have their ID cards given by the Kendra at all times within the campus. Students must obtain permission from the class teacher, H.O.D., or Director for leave of absence, using the prescribed format available at the Academic Section. For medical leave, a medical certificate must be submitted. A Fitness Certificate is required upon rejoining after the medical leave(s).
It is essential for the students to wear traditional simple Indian white outfit in all classes. Female students are required to wear white Salwaar/Churidaar - Kameez while the male students are required to wear white Kurta Payjama.
Students disqualified or absent in the practical paper of main subject in the final examination are DECLARED FAILED. Such students may complete their course by taking re-admission in next academic session. In case of re-admission, the student will be deprived of all fiscal policies provided by the Kendra.
Students must adhere to the minimum required attendance to be permitted to undergo examinations of the Kendra. Students failing to achieve the given required attendance for the year may be debarred from taking final examination of the Kendra. Such students will be granted only one opportunity, in the total duration of the entire course, for re-admission in the next session in the same level.
Students disqualified or being absent in the supplementary exam will neither be allowed to continue his/her training nor would be admitted in any other course of the Kendra.
Students who do not fulfil the required attendance criteria will not be considered for any Fiscal Policy like Scholarship, Freeship or House Rent Subsidy of the Kendra.